
Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by batmegh, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. Too bad too see him go, but Rob should come back.
  2. We got it there!
    Seberling likes this.
  3. i actually think i have seen this show, at some point.. when though, is the right question.
    marknaaijer and Seberling like this.
  4. Time to stalk SMP2 so I can get some screenies if Rob comes again! :D
    battmeghs likes this.
  5. Haha yea I watched it a few times until I found out that scientifically there is a 0% chance that aliens have ever visited earth. So disillusioned. But this guy is my favorite by far, no way he's sober with a haircut like that ahah.
    battmeghs likes this.
  6. true, true.

    that kind of hair cut isn't ganna get you anywhere in life. but, well, maybe in the hands of aliens.
    Seberling and IPwnCreeps like this.
  7. Some bastard ate it, unless ignoramoose never came by
  8. He doesn't get home from work for alittle bit, so it will be an hour or so.
  9. battmeghs what is ur texture pack i love it
  10. I made it myself. Haha.
  11. can i have it
  12. sure! do you have an email, or skype or aim i can send the file to?