[Buying] Silver Wool - 19010@wool

Discussion in 'Buying' started by MatthewDA, Nov 23, 2016.

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  1. Buying silver (light gray) wool at 19010@wool.

    3 DCs set up, paying 36r for 16.

    200 sheep available to shear.

    Full, Thanks!
  2. Need rupees?
  3. If I may ask, why do you need all this wool?
  4. The res where you're buying the wool has the move flag turned off. I was able to sell from the road, though.
  5. Doh! Sorry, fixed. :)

  6. Not sure but I may have a few DC,s in my shop 13131
  7. You're out of this color :(

  8. Easy Money.
  9. Sorry MatthewDA it must be light gray wool that I have lots of
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