I'm looking to buy 1 copy of each of the titles listed below and I'm willing to pay 500r for each. If interested please contact me via the website mail system or send me a pm if I'm online. Why am I doing this: 1. For personal reading purposes (I collect emc books) 2. For my plan to build library (it may or may not pan out but it should be fun to build) 3. So I have a copy on hand to offer to authors who don't have one to clone; I have a few volunteers for such a case but having my own would be much more expedient (see the link to the forum post below for more info). The books I still need: Spooky Story - ItsMeWolffpack Shia LeBeouf - SkyDragonv8 SCARY STORY - BountyCole Haunted Manor - SkeleTin007 Eyes in Corner - ThePerfectAsian The Kill - BlooNaNa AxeMurderHollow - Girneciallumi School Bully - iCrazyEvestar The Chatfields - Miss_Peevle The Apartment - Scarmanzer red cape girl - zoltaroy Don’t go into the Orchard - SwordLord Scary Story - MisterPiggy4647 The Camping Trip - SunnyStorm7 Share My Scare - SageCREEPER -If you are looking to read more of the "Share Your Scares!" books the post linked below lists the authors who are distributing additional copies to people who don't have one (1 per person please; do not abuse their generosity). http://empireminecraft.com/threads/suggestion-for-the-halloween-book-authors.58475/ -I'm not going to offer more as some of the authors listed above have distributed additional copies (I just can't add them to the list without confirmation from them first) and 500r is a spectacular price for a book on emc (unless made by a staff member). -These books are not promos these are player written books that were submitted to a contest meant to inspire player creativity and sharing.