(buying) raw salmon

Discussion in 'Buying' started by KatydidBuild, Mar 7, 2021.

  1. I need several stacks of raw salmon - just the fish, not the live one in the bucket, the kind you get from fishing with a pole or a diamond stick while in the water.

    holler at me if you have some for sale. thank you.

    UltiPig and Obwangottemm like this.
  2. I think I've got raw on sale at /v +chum mob on smp8. There should be a couple of DC available. Not sure about price.

  3. Looking to pay 20 per 32 fish.

    20r each is too steep at this time.
    ChumMiner likes this.
  4. Actually, my price is 1 for 10r. Considering that fishing can get you around 30 per hour with ideal conditions, I think that is a fair price.
  5. I may have a dc or 2 I can get to ya katy, will check tomorrow..
    KatydidBuild and UltiPig like this.
  6. Yep, found 1.5 dc, set up for you to pick up on smp6 at 12011
    go on the dock there and 2nd two chests 0/
    KatydidBuild and ChumMiner like this.
  7. I will do that next time I hop on!
  8. picked up the chests. thanks for holding them for me ;)
    and sent you some rupees for them
    Raaynn likes this.