[Buying] PPP Drop Party items for SMP$ 9990 Muesum

Discussion in 'Buying' started by crafter31211, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Hello I'm looking to buy any of the following for my museum (had to work during party hours :( )

    Purple Aikar Head
    Purple Krysyy Head
    Purple Power Crystal
    Purple Power Armor
    Happy 6th Birthday EMC! (by Aikar)
    EMC's 6th Birthday (by Krysyy)

    Please send me a pm if you have any for sale thanks!
    AncientTower and 607 like this.
  2. Bump! Paying a lot
  3. Bump! Even leads if you know someone helps!
  4. Bump! Offering 1 Million plus a Flaming Mob Launcher for a Purple Krysyy head!