[ BUYING ] Large Amounts of Emeralds for Top Price

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by emfs_ad, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. I couldn't get online till now, sorry
  2. i have a ton of emearlds if u want to buy them. come to smp2
  3. Need some more, Please help!
  4. I've got 23 blocks. I could do 45 each emerald at 9315 total
  5. that would be awesome :D where shall we meet?
  6. i can sell u a couple stacks 38r each :D
  7. I can be at your res in a moment
  8. death where is your enchantment shop going to be?
  9. It would be at smp7, res #14192
  10. i have like 7 stacks of Emeralds at my shop - 1536 - so come fast.

    - puffernugget25