Buying Gold Farm

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by Mallosaurus, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. Yeah, I've already decided to use the tripwire design. o_o I really wish Mojang and Aikar would quit trying to nerf mob grinders. xP I don't think it's fair to the people who spent countless hours inventing, building, rebuilding, researching, gathering resources, and generally putting a ton of effort into mob grinders.

    EDIT: But I don't like to afk at grinders anyway. I afk a max ten minutes to let mobs build up and then I destroy them. I don't like, for instance, iron farms, where you stand there for an hour to get a couple stacks of ingots when you can mine the same amount of time in the wild and get five stacks or iron ore.
  2. So long as I have 'something' to build that is complicated and cool, and useful, I'm happy. The bigger the project the better.

    I understand the need to do 'something' to reduce the drain on server resources though. 5% of players using 40% of server resources isn't very fair on the other 95% of players... Unless that 5% of players are willing to pay for the extra resources they use?

    So yea.. I know what you mean. :) takes a lot of knowledge, time and resoruces to build some things. If it was so easy, everyone would do it right?