[Buying] Building Design

Discussion in 'Buying' started by BenMA, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. Title says it all. I'm looking for someone more creative than me, that isn't hard, to design me a build.
    I have a few specifications to follow,
    1. The Build needs to fit on two reses. (Only 4 block wide road)
    2. I would like the entire build above ground.
    3. I'd prefer if much quartz or other expensive materials aren't used. (Some is fine)
    4. I'd like it to have at least 16 floors.
    5. If you decide to add windows, I ask that they aren't huge and take up the whole wall.

    If you believe you can come up with something that fits this, shoot me a PM and we can discuss further information.

    PS. I will need either a map download or a schematic of the build. I would prefer map download to look at the build myself.

    Thank you,

  2. That's a big project that will take a while and cost a lot for person who designs it.

    Good luck.
  3. Im going to build it on EMC. Im asking for just the design.
  4. Yes but even those are costly and take time...
  5. I'm currently working on an idea for a wood log mansion. I'll put the world download on here when I'm done and you can let me know what you think.
  6. Remember to keep the specifications in mind.
  7. just wondering
    a mansion with 16 floors?
    would that still be called a mansion?
    BenMA likes this.
  8. Mantower!
    Allicanto and BenMA like this.
  9. The build i have in mind, it would put bill gates's mansion to shame.
    TomvanWijnen and Allicanto like this.
  10. I have found someone willing to do this. Luckily, he had a design premade, meaning I dont have to wait very long.

    Thank you all.