[buying] beacons and/or elytra

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by colorphulmonkey, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. im looking to buy beacons for below <8.5k rupies and an elytra for <6k
  2. I have some at 6.5 for beacons if you already havent found any.
  3. I sell beacons for 5k smp6 /v 13131
    colorphulmonkey likes this.
  4. thanks for telling me, i pass by your smaller shop alot and didnt know you sold beacons
  5. i have found a beacon but im still looking for an elytra
  6. looks like /v 12221 smp6 have elytra's in stock go to the Shops Tools area behind you as you tp to the shop