[Business] The new horse Bro-Op!

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by MrAdazahi, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Hey guys!
    The horse breeding cooperation run by PhoenixAffinity and /v +breed run by MrAdazahi (me) have collaborated! This brings new changes to both parties, and i would like to elaborate.

    +breed before the collab
    • Public to use
    • Consists of 2 135 speed horses and the rest are 134-
    • Originally on smp5
    • Adding horses to +breed was optional but didn't do anything for the person who adds
    +breed after the collab
    • Private, but can be joined if you add a horse
    • Consists of 4 135 speed horses and the rest 134-
    • On utopia
    • Adding to +breed gives you access to it
    co-op before the collab

    • One res, private
    • lots of good horses
    • on utopia
    • can add a horse to it, but it is very difficult to get in
    co-op after the collab

    • two reses, private
    • lots of good horses, along with +breed's horses
    • on utopia
    • can add a horse to it and get in more eisily
    So what does this mean?
    Well, we collaborated to become the Bro-Op. This here is an advertisement to get emc's players with good horses a chance at getting into an organization that was more difficult to get into before below this are listed the minimum horse stats to get in.
    134+ if white, but you need at least 3

    133+ if not white, you only need 1

    If you have 135+, you only need 1

    129+ if donkeys, you need at least 2

    *note, these are minimum requirements, but if you have more than minimum, it is encouraged to bring them all!

    *note, no amount of promo horses alone will get you in, sorry

    What do i get out of this?

    If you don't already know about the coop, they are one of the largest horse breeding orginizations, there we have a 137/136 pair of horses, which are the most popular, along with many 129 donkies, multiple promo horses, may 135s and 134s and 133s, lots of horses with good stats in speed, helth and jump, and lots of high speed nonwhite horses. For those of you who are bummed that the public breeding service +breed was closed to public, don't be. This is good for the horse economy. The economy has been falling incredibly. When i first joined EMC, a 130 speed white horse was 13k. Now you can find them as low as 3k. With the making of a service that allowed any average joe to breed a pair of horses that are worth over 1 million rupees each for free, it allowed many people to get their hands on very good horses that would be difficult to get otherwise. This collab allows us who are into horse breeding to get together and breed. please PM me if you want to apply, or put an application book in the application chest at the front of +breed's spawn (5229 utopia). If you are unside if your horse will get you in, apply anyway and i will inform you of weather or not you can join. thank you for your time, keep breeding!

    RainbowPony and Starsphere like this.
  2. Could I add a promo horse in, even if it’s not obscenely fast?
  3. unfortunately, there's not really any one single promo horse that can get you in, sorry. Pm me if you more questions though, theres still a chance you can get in!
  4. what about a 133.88 speed white none horse? could I get in with that?
  5. There's a typo, it says (2559 utopia) not (5229 utopia) :p
    MrAdazahi and We3_MPO like this.
  6. depends on other stats
  7. Speed: 133.88 Jump 70.33 HP 19.95
  8. hm, I'm not sure it would work, sorry... if you ever get your hands on 134+, tell me!