{Buisness} Generals Repairing and Modifying

Discussion in 'Business Listings' started by KandK22, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. Is this business still open? I got around a DC of god enchanted tools needing to be repaired.
  2. Yes it is. Sorry about getting back to you so late have been busy
  3. All good. Just saw your message in game. Sorry I was afk. Wanna come pick up the tools?
  4. yeah, I can pick them up around 8:00pm emc time tonight if that is okay with you.
  5. Sounds good! I will put it in an access chest to the left of when you spawn on my res @ 16150!

    Let me know how much I owe you when you pick up :)
  6. ok will do will start work on them tonight
    ok will do will start work on them tonight
    FadedMartian likes this.