[Bug] Marlix Issues Still Exsist

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Oasis_Co, Sep 29, 2015.

  1. Ok in an effort to get this fixed i would like to put together a post to help our dev's out. If any of you like me are big on miniboss fight's and set out with your gear seeking that exciting gear they drop only to get this amazing message.

    mean while loosing pots, food, Items, & duribility loss.
    So what I would like for you guys to do is, keep track of everything you do during the fight weapon used, if they collide with cactus, take damage from other mob's, take screen shot's, heck if possible make videos and upload them. Anything you can do to give some insight on what might be causing this.

    Time: 19:21 EDT
    Date: 9/29/15
    Weapon Used: Bow ( Unbreaking III, Flame II, Power V, Infinity I )
    Thorn's on any gear: No
    Damage from NPC: Yes Skelly took a couple shots at him but i killed him asap

    Time: 19:49 EDT
    Date: 9/27/15
    Weapon Used: Bow ( Unbreaking III, Flame II, Power V, Infinity I )
    Thorn's on any gear: No
    Damage from NPC: no
    ShelLuser and PenguinDJ like this.
  2. Time: 20:04 EDT
    Date: 9/29/15
    Weapon Used: Bow ( Unbreaking III, Flame II, Power V, Infinity I ) & Sword ( Sharpness V, Knockback II, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Unbreaking III ) [Did most damage with the sword]
    Thorn's on any gear: No
    Damage from NPC: Not that I know of
  3. its something about bows, ill try to fully fix it tomorrow night i need to sleep now.
    ThaKloned, ShelLuser and Oasis_Co like this.
  4. actually wow... bad logic overall. I'll have fix go out on the nightly reboot in 2hrs.
    ShelLuser, Oasis_Co and f_Builder_s like this.
  5. The faster you do it the more sleep you get :p
  6. I'm wondering if it might be counting the fire damage from flame as non player damage, although he does not take fire damage? I have tested this without flame on a bow and got drop's normally.

    I will test it a couple more times and see if i get normal drops again without it.
  7. No, It was 2 diff issues overall.

    I used the wrong method of determining the total damage done to a monster, by using monster.getMaxHealth(). Problem is, the monster can be healed on difficulty 8+.

    Then I found a 2nd problem that hitting the bat was not 'properly' forwarding damage onto marlix when using projectiles.

    The damage forwarded, but identifying it as a player source was not.

    Both were fixed last night.

    Additionally, that bat forwarding also impacted the damage modifiers that was suppose to apply to marlix, so we had cases of people 2 shotting marlix... That was fixed with it too.
    cadgamer101 and tuqueque like this.
  8. makes sense I shot Marlix 3 times with my bow and was surprised that i had killed him so quickly