Breaking my circular tree ornaments aikar

Discussion in 'Marketplace Discussion' started by Michael_Nolan, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Which is a good point. Before free/new players could not afford basic things, and now they can.

    Where as rich players who have a large sum of money, while their overall "Purchasing Power" is going down (mostly if they are not reacting to the economy and just sitting still with their rupees. If they are smart, they are using their rupees to make more money off the change in the economy and therefor benefit from this. So its really inactive people who are "harmed"), they still have PLENTY of money to buy everything they ever need.

    EMC's economy has one major fault: not enough bigger cost items for rich players to spend on, so they end up having more rupees than they can spend except for those super rare and special items, which are a volatile and unstable market in the first place due to the rarity and limited supply aspect of said items.

    So the rich players may in numbers lose purchasing power, their gameplay is technically unaffected since they would of never spent all those rupees in first place.

    "Man, I could of bought 1 million diamonds, now I can only buy 650k!"

    Super extremes like all diamond block pyramids came to be as a way for the super rich to find a way to spend their rupees.
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  2. What defines human needs on a Minecraft server like EMC?
    M4nic_M1ner and cadgamer101 like this.
  3. And incase anyone is curious about the super rich counts:

    mysql> select count(user_id) from rupee_user where balance >= 10000000;
    | 4 |
    mysql> select count(user_id) from rupee_user where balance < 10000000 and balance >= 5000000;
    | 7 |
    mysql> select count(user_id) from rupee_user where balance < 5000000 and balance >= 1000000;
    | 125 |
  4. The need to have things NOW, mainly. I think what drives the thing we call an economy here in the case of shops is mainly a mixture of impatience and inexperience with maybe a touch of laziness, ambition, and speculation thrown in for seasoning.

    The promo trade has evolved and has thrived as an outlet for this.

    Just so I know who to despise, which group would be the 1%?
  5. There really aren't any. We have food needs, but you buy one potatoe and carrot and you are set forever.

    Minecraft doesn't have these kind of needs. All purchases on an mc server are discretionary. Which is why we don't have a "poor" class. That and the free daily bonus/voting rewards in comparison to a minimum wage would be like making 30 bucks an hour. It is more than enough to live comfortably on.

    This is why I'm saying this. Inflation can not cause any real damage on the server. So we wrap back around to the main topic of the post.

    There is no reason to panic at the rising cost of things. It is fine. It is normal. No worries, be happy. We got this.
  6. More cowbells!
  7. It's done. Why not enjoy the game instead of bashing people who put so many hours into it.
  8. I don't think anyones 'bashing' us for the change, but society in general is scared of change out of fear of it potentially going bad.
    Pab10S and jkjkjk182 like this.
  9. It def helped give them something to spend on, but even so, That's quite a lot of promos to spend even 5 million on....
    I think the rich players get enjoyment out of being a popular economic centerpoint. Buying every single promo out of stock (To spend all their rupees) would just damage the promo market, as then prices would be all over the place and others would have trouble buying them, which would bring them negative reputation for doing such a thing.

    Idea: Expensive "Events" that rich players can pay like 500k to initiate that everyone on that SMP can participate in =P

    Erm, what do you mean group? The 4 people over 10 million rupees? Can't reveal names =P
    cadgamer101, Pab10S and M4nic_M1ner like this.
  10. Well you know the saying "Time is Money", someone who has very limited time would prefer to take 1 action that involves less personal time (running a shop, for ex, spending 10 minutes buying 1 item to either resell, or process to another form to sell for higher value) to buy the items they need to build / food to survive.

    So many people ignore buying/selling of items "I'll just farm it", and not factor in the time spent doing such an action.

    Spend 2 hours farming for 50k rupees of item value, or spend 30 minutes on another action to make 50k rupees, and buy the items you would of farmed.

    It boils down to personal taste of preference of "working for it" or not. Some people prefer to just get to the finished build.
  11. Ok, maybe bashing wasn't the right word to use. It just seems to me that after a while a person from the moderators to the top dogs could become dishearten with it all this and say, I'm finished. I've had enough of this, and EMC would change drastically. I guess I'm scared also.
  12. The last part was meant as a joke as well as an effort to relieve curiosity. It was a reference to the Occupy Wall Street movement and one vs ninety-nine percenters and all that. I was looking for some idea of what percentage of people those numbers represent rather than names. For example, if I have a million Rupees, am I in the top 10%, 5%, 1%?
    M4nic_M1ner likes this.
  13. So what is the new price for diamonds in player made shops?



  14. Where I live the "economic chamber of trade" together with the "workers chamber" (so actually more or less the government) sets the minimum wages for most of the salaries for employees and also annually announces the due increase in salaries.
    But the key word here is troubled economy. If the economy is troubled nothing of this can really help.
    If there is a line of unemployed capable and willing to accept any job, the salaries won't likely rise.

    I'd say there is no fault. This is same as IRL. A really rich persons still have just one life, and all the fancy items that have little or no use do not really matter. Stuff doesn't make happy. One doesn't even need to be really rich to show off and be seen as rich by the community. (And it is questionable if one would even want that.)

    If someone is rich, it is up to their creativity and capabilities to put the wealth to work. On EMC, if someone is rich and "really a capable boss" they will organize people and pay them to build creations that a single person couldn't do. This happens also IRL, capable rich people tend to run companies and later build some kind of monument for their life and work. I think there is no fault. :)

    That's a very interesting question. You need very little for the basic needs, as it is easy to survive.
    I'd say, generally, to have a good game. What that means differ a lot from player to player, but I guess that:
    - if the game is too easy it won't be good and will soon get boring
    - if it is too hard it is is frustrating
    - if there is little progress, it soon gets boring
    - the game will remain interesting as long as one can learn and develop while playing
    - if the game is not fair it is frustrating
    - if there are good playmates and the game is fair than it's 10x better
    In terms of rupees, it seems to me that the game gets better for a new player if they get less rupees. It is good to start low and learn step by step.
    And if you're rich, there is still room ahead, it's up to your creativity.

    Try to buy for less than 90r, and if / when that does not work (any more) then carefully increase your buy-price step by step. :)
  15. Todd_Vinton
    (Insert Todd's Alt)
    (Insert Todd's Alt)
    (Insert Todd's Alt)
