
Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Sharpie42, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. so i was playing the other day and I got bored. So I found the end portal in the smp5 waste, build a small house, then went to the end. this is what I did there.

  2. Yep I was bored so i killed the dragon
  3. I was bored, so I made a little house...

    (and used it in a build guide later on)
    Moonglum_, EvilBlo and tsharpe21us like this.
  4. i think being bored brings out the best in us....

    I am about to do the same thing
  5. Turn the boredom into efficiency, I like! hehe
    tsharpe21us likes this.
  6. Show off :p
    tsharpe21us likes this.
  7. little house mansion
    tsharpe21us likes this.