Blizz Ard + Nether Portal Test

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Conq_, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. I was hunting Blizz Ards when I got the idea to try and get one into the nether to see if it would slowly die. So I found a Blizz Ard in a small cave, severely damaged it, and blocked it up. I left it there for about a week when top_benny decided to help. He brought obsidian for the nether portal, so we made it and blocked up the area around it so the Blizz Ard was forced to go through. We hit the Blizz Ard into the portal and sadly found out it would not go through. Here is the picture:

    If you are thinking, "This is so fake, that's just a snowman since there is no Boss Bar!" top_benny went into f3 or whatever it is so all the hearts, food bar, and other stuff on the screen goes away for a good picture.
    TomvanWijnen and Foxy_Kitty like this.
  2. (he pressed F1)
    Yea I've tried this before too (but with a little nicer boss) but it didn't work ;-;
    top_benny likes this.
  3. Would've been hard to push him up the stairs as when I encase him in a box to kill him he sometimes pushes into the wall and escapes
    top_benny likes this.
  4. Envine we hit him up into the portal, he still had enough hp left to tank a couple more hits.
    top_benny likes this.

  5. Finally figured out a good way to post screenshots on EMC, so here's a screenshot of the Blizz Ard in the portal that proves it's not just a snowman
  6. Hahah, nice!