It was fun. I wasn't your best gift but I tried. Unfortunately I think the main attraction was the floor. You just so happen to be the kid with the cool toy. Great shop and happy birthday!
The first party was better ,as I was there and we blew stuff up with TNT. It's only a legit "Aikar involved" or "IcecreamCow involved" event if TNT is involved.
I think I will do this... Above my haunted house. I shall build a party house! *Edit* I attempted to find a decent song about parties/birthdays to add in, but was unable to find anything that wasn't.. Inappropriate.
We should host an even bigger party on our birthday, Max. Try and get as many people involved as possible.
As of now, you're only One month and five days late. But we can always do it next year, assuming we don't all die on the 21st and I'm still around 1 year from now.