-, --, ---, ∞ - I got nothing. This is why I don't participate in events that are competitive or are a contest with a very limited timeframe. This includes any Minecraft PvP and the EMC Mob Arena. I never win at a single one of those environments.
I didn't win nothin either. But for me the fun for me was hunting down those chests. Please look at this in a better light. It's not always about the prize. It's about the adventure.
Congrats to Sachrock and Rundercaster(twice) for winning. I have removed the chests and shop signs but left a sign in place so other players can try their scavenger hunting skills. I think some of them were found too easily so maybe next time I should do a nether version.
Oh shoot! I missed it (working) but thanks for leaving the signs Davie. =D It's gonna be fun trying to find them all and honing my scouring/scavenger skills. How long you gonna leave them up?
Hehe I missed it but had to do a birthday party where I am at so I have a reason to why I missed this but Davie I want a Nether one or even a End one now that would be awesome
I managed to find the three town locations, but guess two of the chests were empty and removed... ah well... such is life. Got my bones though.
Until the next wasteland reset? The problem there is that the nether live map is not very useful. I tried to have one with the map including a nether outpost on the edge but even then there was no discerning features to determine which outpost it was. With the end there is no live map.