Better Way to Make a Tree Farm?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LunarEndergirl, May 9, 2018.

  1. Is there a better way of making a tree farm for a variety of trees? I have small farm areas for my trees on my res already, but they don't produce enough to my liking. At best I get 1-2 1/2 stacks.
  2. Do you mean an automated one? or a manual one?
  3. Regarding manual farms: on my residence on utopia (5332) I have a pretty good manual tree farm:

    It's 9 trees by 10 trees, and uses 29 x 31 x 8 in terms of area (8 because birch, and birch trees can get quite high).

    All the trees are places 2 blocks from each other, which means it uses less space, but still gives plenty saplings back. Chopping everything down gives about 8 to 9 stacks, I believe, and when you're done new trees will already have grown. :)
    xGGirlx, Pab10S and cubefragment like this.
  4. xGGIRLx head of to smp7 @ /v +harli there is a public tree farm there you can get an idea from.
  5. I'll check it out, thank you!
    cubefragment likes this.
  6. What do you mean better way? There are ways like the tree farm in smp7 and there are complex piston machines that basically do the work for you.

    Here is a video if you are interested in those things
    cubefragment and SkeleTin007 like this.
  7. If you're looking for a manual tree farm, there's no better way than just setting aside some space for trees and letting them grow. Keep in mind, if you're growing spruce/jungle trees, you can plant 4 saplings in a 2x2 square to grow large versions of those trees, which normally produce ~1.5 stacks of logs each.

    If you're looking for an automatic tree farm, there are a bunch of designs on the internet for you to choose from. I would personally suggest a farm that crushes the leaves automatically and outputs the trunk into a big ol' wood brick.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  8. Nah.. that's a quite inefficient one actually: both Time-wise and benemeal-wise... It also isnn't able to farm jungle, acacia and spruce. I suggest making this one:

    It can be used for all small tree types, and is quite fast lagg-friendly and efficient. I'll note that the TNT blast chamber won't work: dispenser's don't drop primed TNT on EMC. Just make a system that lets you place in a lot of TNT, pushing it one by one in the right position, and, when it's almost out, activates the overwrite switch.