Best design for Mob farm

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Andy_The_Dragon, Oct 28, 2019.

  1. So I have on my bucket list for my outpost a mob farm to supply me with bones and gunpowder. What would be best designs in this server?
    I am planning to build an underground based where they all swim up to drowning chamber. Any suggestions or thoughts?
  2. I made several of these when I first played here. They worked well in my opinion until the activation range was changed. After that, the mobs would spawn but only the very close ones would walk around and fall into the trap. I tried things like riding around in a minecart and moving the spot I stood to activate it, but decided I needed to look for a farm that did not require the mobs to move on their own.

    I tried a few variations of piston farms, but I don't think the return warranted the effort and amount of materials I put into them. I finally settled on a design like this one which dispenses water to flush the mobs using a timer. The issues I had with this farm were that the dispensers would get out of sync because (I think) of lag. The timer would also seize up and eventually didn't work after one of the MC updates so I had to modify it. I have a sorter at the bottom although manually sorting would give you something to do while you wait for mobs to spawn. Overall, I am happy with it.

    Whatever you decide to use, you will also want to take a look at the relevant information here on the Wiki.
    khixan likes this.
  3. I had to tweak around with this one's redstone (i.e. I called RDMaster to fix it for me) and I used 4 stacked spawn levels, not just one. Works ok. It uses the same principles as the one Pab posted. I did find that stacking more than 4 levels actually caused problems. We did some testing also and tweaked the distance where you AFK'ed. I don't recall it off the top of my head, but I do remember it was a bit closer. Fool around with it a bit. It's not hard to pillar/ladder and test for 10 minutes to find the best AFK spot :)
    Pab10S and Burki like this.
  4. Avomance has some great farms on Youtube. There is a 27 min. one on making an xp/mob farm. It looks really sweet. If you're interested, I can post a link later.