Automatic Iron Ingot Farm? will pay 2000 rupees if it works properly

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by shames611, Apr 28, 2012.

  1. I know.
  2. I tested the Iron Golem farm in single player and it does work, but no where near the capacities advertised.. It would be much faster to mine the iron normally.. <,<
  3. ummm on smp1 there is this one guy... forgot his/her name... who has iron golems...
  4. A zombie grinder may work, zombies rare drop is iron
  5. They may have spawned before the update, but it's something i'm supposing. When Justin says something, it is because it's true so i believe that it's impossible for them to spawn in town.
  6. Is this not a form of duplicating?
    copherfield likes this.
  7. Maybe, but still a glitch, and it's against the rules to exploit a bug/glitch
  8. Also, duplicating is a bannable offense.
    So don't try your luck! ;)
    copherfield likes this.
  9. i wish they could spawn...
  10. because 1 person said they could spawn and i built a spawner..... an iron golem spawner..... sigh... and u cant spawn them...
  11. It is not a form of duplication, if it is done to spawn the iron golems naturally. However, the golems are not seeming to spawn on the server.
  12. Golems are only supposed to spawn naturally in the wild in large towns but they may have been disabled when Justin stopped the glitch of them spawning in town.
  13. I thougt there r no golems in smp