
Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by TheHoodMonster, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. These are melon blocks, right?
  2. Maybe. the "hmm 2525 rupees" came out twice to.
  3. Im out.
  4. Oh no. The auction title!
  5. These are the edible food melons
  6. Oh. I thought they were the blocks :confused:
    I don't know what happens here... :(
  7. Oh well that sucks... You did bid the 7,ooo Rupees though
  8. ... I'm gonna contact nick. I was wanting to giveaway a DC of melon blocks for my 600th day lol. :p I'll still going through with the bid.
  9. Edit to the auction: 6 hours after last bid.
    Reason: Can't do 24 hours. (certain reasons)
  10. Just won't get on tomorrow
  11. Yeah, you can't change the rules after people have bid
    FDNY21 and Damiensmom11 like this.
  12. Also, skrillex, you cannot change times after you have had bidders.
  13. You cannot eat whole blocks. Slices are the only melon edible. Hence this is slices. Sorry, skrillex did not really mention what type it was... :rolleyes:
  14. Yea... Kind of feel scammed now.
    I wouldn't have even bid on the auction if it wasn't melon blocks ;3
    FDNY21 likes this.
  15. No Problem.
    Yep, I would feel scammed too... Just going to find a moderator to check over the page.
  16. Admittedly, he should have said melon slices, but he didn't say melon blocks either.
    FDNY21 likes this.
  17. ;3 Meh. I have dyslexia so...
    >_< I miss ad add things that aren't there lol. :p
  18. It was more agreeing with the point, it was not clear what it was regardless :)
    FDNY21 likes this.
  19. Melons or Melon blocks.

    I am also pretty sure that nick has a few DC of melons already :)
    RainbowChin likes this.
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