[AUCTION] Super Dragon Poop #3 (Final one for now)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by AmusedStew, May 17, 2013.


What should I work on to auction next?

10DC Smooth Stone 19 vote(s) 55.9%
20DC Sugar Cane 10 vote(s) 29.4%
Other (Specify in comments along with your bid) 5 vote(s) 14.7%
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  1. I will post it on my page.
  2. ok ran into some trouble with work. I will be getting on shortly to pay ya and set up the chest for you. It will be on SMP7. Will post the res # shortly.
  3. ok it is res # 14469 on SMP 7. Just look for the water source near the garden.
  4. dangit I miss being able to edit a post... Once you deliver let me know so I can pay ya.
  5. Delivered.
  6. paid though I wish I knew what this is used for...thought it was an egg tbh
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