[Auction] Sunday Only - DC of Iron Ingots! [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by MocoMiner, Sep 6, 2015.

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  1. Item: DC of Iron Ingots (in block form)
    Starting bid: 1r
    Min bid increase: 100r
    Auction end time: 11:59pm EMC time, 9/6/15
    Pickup: 18720, smp9
  2. sorry, typo, 10k
  3. What why would you do that? I'm out you've won!
  4. 2 is next to one... it was a typo
  5. bid is at 10k - bump
  6. 20k
    MocoMiner likes this.
  7. Congrats cj12115! Your access chest is set up at 18720. Please pay on pickup. ty
  8. Thanks! Online now
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