[AUCTION] so many swords your eyes will expand

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Electrobomb, May 25, 2013.

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  1. 2013-05-25_19.48.21.png
    Hey Everyone I've got a great auction for you today:p
    Here's the deatils:
    27 swords, 13 iron, 14 diamond, all enchanted and brand new.
    7 Smite 1 iron swords
    6 Fire Aspect 1, Knockback 1 iron swords
    6 Fire Aspect 1, Smite 2 diamond swords
    7 Knockback 1, Sharpness 2 diamond swords
    1 Sharpness 3, Fire Aspect 2, Ubreaking 3 diamond Sword (i lost my boa 4 and smite 4 books to the anvil :mad:)
    Starting bid: 10k
    Minimum Bid incriments: 500r
    Ending time: 48 hours after last bidder.
    Have fun! (I think this package is worth 25k)
    Pick-up: 18894 on Smp9 walk towards beacon and turn left.
    I'm very exited:D
  2. you have to have it in a DC not SC
  3. Thats an imaginary rule
  4. No, he is doing right. You can auction enchanted items in any quantity

  5. I should've really closed this thread because no one was bidding, so i put all the swords in my shop:) they're still there at 18894 sold individually if you guys still want to buy them:)
  6. lower the price
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