{Auction} REDO: Bob's Super Mega Enchantment Pack: 6 Picks, 3 Swords, and 2 Sets of Armor

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by BobTheTomato9798, Jun 9, 2012.

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  1. So 90k to technologygeek.
    zbalda97 likes this.
  2. You cannot bid if you do not have the ability to pay the auctioneer the bid you placed withing 48 hours, per the auction rules.

    I hope you know, once a moderator sees this, you will be blacklisted from the Auction Forums.

    Yours Truly,
    The Auction King
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  3. i'd pay 90k if i had it. i got 50 and would have bid that.

    after the new update, those items wont take anything to enchant, making them dirt cheap, maybe 2000r for the entire bundle, or less.
  4. Oh, in that case, i bid 28 (last guy on page 1 was 27)
  5. Well that was a turn of events.... 28k to imgonagetyuuuu
  6. technologygeek,

    For future reference, do not make bids UNTIL you have the rupees, even if you think you CAN get them later. They must be in your posession before the bid is made, and you must keep them until either outbid or you win and give them to the auction holder. Please overview the rules once again before doing auctions again as you could result in being blacklisted in the future from them.
  7. <3
  8. ok, once again. sorry for the trouble, sincerely,
  9. How is this Fair, I would of bidded up to 30, but after the guy messing about with the 90bid, then it gets put back, I would still like to bid if possible, 29k
  10. Rules state up to 24 hours after last bid and yours is within that, so you're the current highest it seems.
    Happyshopper likes this.
  11. Yes HappyShopper is winning with 29k
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