[Auction] Promos

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ZanDarkin, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. ok friend, you win.
  2. is the aution over now?
  3. no, you have to wait the alloted time 48 hours after the last bid... I will let you know
  4. Is it over now just wonding :p
  5. I believe it is... 48 hours would've been up Tuesday (yesterday) at 3:45 EMC time
  6. raaynn said he would tell me when it would be over
  7. Must've forgot?
  8. ah so raaynn won the bid just wodning becasue he was the last to post
  9. raaynn is the winner of the bid
  10. Yep. Didnt forget... just swamped at work. Online later to pay
    FadedMartian likes this.
  11. pay=ed
    FadedMartian likes this.
  12. Kk i will place the access sign on the chest on friday because i have school during the day
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