[AUCTION] One Double Chest of Zombie Flesh

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by JMB_, Nov 6, 2012.


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Amazing 16 vote(s) 88.9%
Needs improvments 2 vote(s) 11.1%
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  1. Padde73 has won with 1350r! I will set up a chest for you at 2573 on SMP1! Enjoy!
  2. Actually, cad did.
  3. Due to the invalid bid, you are correct.
    However, I will be nice and either pay 1200 r to win, or let Padde73have it for 1350 r.
    jmb6362 can decide.

  4. This is hard to choose but I think the bidder that "Actually" Won should get it so not to be rude cadgamer101
    but I will have to go with padde73... Sorry... :confused:
  5. Thats not how it works. paddle didnt win, due to your rules. His bid was much later than 24 hours, and that is quite clear.
  6. Cadgamer101 is the official winner. Padde73's altered bid was approximately 4 hours past the ending time. The sale is to go to cadgamer101 please. :)
    PenguinDJ and jkjkjk182 like this.
  7. Now here's the locking cermony
  8. #/lockthread2012
  9. I just paid JMB6362 1200 r.
    Please let me know when the access chest is ready.
    Thank you.
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