*AUCTION* Maxarian Shoes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by sqiggleyjeff, May 25, 2013.

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  1. Ahem.. 29k
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  2. ISMOOCH is in the lead with a bid of 29,000 r
  3. i simply cannot afford this also.. one does not simply hawk into moridor!
  4. your a hacker you have tmi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. clearly as i can spawn in everything:cool:

    Also please only post things related to the auction.
  6. Calm Down, pm a mod whos on
  7. so you are hacking?
  8. you do realize it is allowed as I cannot spawn in anything, hence I cannot do anything with tmi on emc it is simply for my single player world.
    colesta1200 likes this.
  9. *sigh, stop talking stormboy. Too many items is alright to have installed on EMC
  10. It's pretty much just their for looks
  11. I thought me and todd were the only ones with these boots :eek:
  12. ... The battle hardens... 32k!
  13. grrrrr 32.5k
  14. Raise like a man sir. 35k!!!!!!
  15. nah I like raising by small bits... :cool: 35.5k
  16. this... could go forever. 36k
  17. hmm this is true. 37k
  18. ISMOOCH is in the lead with a bid of 37,500r
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