[Auction] [Lowstakes]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Happyshopper, Aug 3, 2012.

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  1. 1602
    Happyshopper likes this.
  2. The max bid was 10r increasement. I bet the correct amount.Someone had just raised 30rupees which made it 1510. Instead of the supossed 1480.
  3. Oops, looks like Terry beat me! 1,645.
  4. aarrggghhhhh ive got 1 more bid...
    im gonna save it for when it gets to like 5-6k :p
    TerryDaTerrorist likes this.
  5. this auction is virtually impossible ot stop. people have to stop bidding for 12 hours to win, but whats really gonna happen is itll get so high to where only the gold and diamonds have enough money to bid and since they only have two bids itll end there
  6. 1651 wasting my bids like a nice person
  7. I have tried to discourage that from happening, but the slow increase of the bids gives you ALL time to run to the /WILD and get as much items as you can to sell for money
    Maxarias likes this.
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