[Auction] Holiday Message

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Zion_Moyer, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. You read it right, I am currently auctioning off one of these amazing items! All you need to know is below:

    What: Holiday Message
    Auction End Time: 72 hours after last valid bid
    Starting Bid: -1k (That's right! I pay you to take it)
    Minimum Bid Increase: 5,000 rupees
    Pickup: /v +pp on smp8

    And may the odds be ever in your favor!
  2. 5k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  3. 50k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  4. 60k

    And may you ever favor being odd.
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  5. 70k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  6. 75k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  7. 80k

    What is this item again? I couldn't find it on the wiki. :p
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  8. 90k...
    It's a message in a bottle ?
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  9. Zion_Moyer and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. 115k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  11. 120k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  12. 125k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  13. 130k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.
  14. 200k
    Zion_Moyer likes this.