[AUCTION] Ham Hacker

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Snaiyls, Jan 8, 2016.

  1. still want to know what the ham breaker is.
  2. Ham hacker
  3. 35,800r /:(\
  4. Thread locked until item verified as [Ham Hacker] EMC Promo item.
    If reopened, time resumes from my next post.
    MrsWishes and brbear like this.
  5. Thread reopened with new title and description. Timer resets to this post, so auction ends 24 hours after this post. Thank you all for your patience.
  6. 40,200r LET GO BOYS IM BACK
  7. 40,400r DEBTOMB
  8. 40,601r Let me jack the price for u Death
  9. 40,801r bb