[Auction] God Fortune Pick

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Canucks_, Apr 23, 2013.

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  1. Kritacul did you bid or what?
  2. yes, I said he can't pay you I'll match his bid
    if not I'll increase his bid by 100r.
  3. Okay, thanks for clarifying
  4. High school assessment
  5. Bump, this things at 2.5k so cheap
  6. *walks in*
    *looks around*
    *walks away*
  7. Agh, nvm, I cant make my payment, I just realized i has 7.6 k
  8. 7.6k is too much, I'm out
  9. looks like josh is winning.
  10. 2 1/2 hours in after the last valid bid, 45 1/2 to go
  11. 12 hours from joshes last bid, anyone going higher?
  12. 22 1/2 hours to go!
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