[Auction/experiment] Dragon Egg [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Biscuitboy, Aug 6, 2014.


Why will people stop bidding on this item

Due to its longevity 39 vote(s) 63.9%
Due to it reaching market value 22 vote(s) 36.1%
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  1. 10,200r
    highlancer54 likes this.
  2. 10,300r
    highlancer54 likes this.
  3. my internet is being really slow >:U
  4. *10,350r
  5. Er mah gawd internet isnt updating >-<
  6. OMG xD Ignore this post ._.
  7. 10,450r
    highlancer54 likes this.
  8. 10,500r
    Please refresh your page before you bid.
  9. 10,550r
    highlancer54 likes this.
  10. Sitting at my desk for next 8 hours... Got all the time in the world. 10,600r
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  11. 10,800 rupees.
  12. 50r max bid increment :p

    highlancer54 likes this.
  13. Oops, I was seeing page 1 XD invalid bid ik
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