[Auction]Enchants and more!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by superg64, Apr 1, 2013.

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  1. Bump
    If obsidian is 10r(it may be 13r per block)
    then the dc of obsidian approximates to 34560r
    If an iron ingot is 4r(usually a tad more)
    then the dc of iron is about 13824r
    Which is already above the current bid by 2k without counting the bows and enchants/diamonds to make the tools.
    Let's see how high we can bid.
  2. Good Morning/Afternoon Bump
  3. Yum, more obsidian. Would be willing to split...... 47,000 rupees.
    superg64 likes this.
  4. Bump This is an extremely good deal!
    48k is also a good price :D
  5. I bought everything on your res for 45k with Caleb...... Where DA freak was this??
  6. 49k
    superg64 likes this.
  7. It annoys me when all the rich people bid on things the poorer people want >_< honestly.
  8. I have items pass through randomly at times and it confuses me how i get these items but i don't want them anymore so buy em :p
  9. I'll give this one last shot..... 55,000 rupees.
    superg64 likes this.
  10. Bump Still a great deal for any buyer.
    This would be perfect to resell all parts you don't want elsewhere and profit somehow.
  11. Bump still a great deal
  12. Bump Still a great price and the winner will be a happy man/woman
  13. about 15 hours left and ninja wins
    "This is a great deal" -ninjaboy5656 quote
  14. Bump still a great deal
  15. Ninjaboy5656 you have won the auction at 55k i will have access chests setup on 4393
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