[AUCTION] Enchantment Pack

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ItsMeMatheus, Sep 29, 2012.

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  1. grrr I really want these.

  2. Dreacon78 is mad on the lead with 25,200 rupees.
  3. and im just bidding for the hell of it
  4. ugh...

  5. I wish i could bid i dont have enough money
  6. Dreacon78 on the lead with 25800 rupees.
  7. And another person joins the fight! :O lol
  8. This is CRAZY!! Dreacon are you hear?? Or do we fear??
  9. Dreacon must really be making something big - i noticed he's on my auction, and your auction, and on other ones too buying supplies :D
  10. One tough battle attack after another but in the end someone must come victorious who will it be Dreacon78 of the Green team or talukegord from the orange who will win the grand prize of stuff
    Only time will tell but for now laugh at this
    Mitt Romney Frantically Running Around Ohio Smiling And Waving

  11. yes must be prepared...need more tools.. :D
  12. From The Onion

    Some content may be too extreme for kids
  13. Mainly because there is a creepy guy waving around for no reason
  14. Bumpity... bump?
  15. man your last bid has only been going on for about 3 hours lol - mine only has 5 hours LEFT >:p
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