[Auction] Doublechest of Oak Wood Logs

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WeirdManiac, Feb 1, 2013.


What Should I Auction Next Time?

5 Double Chests of Wood (Half Oak Half Jungle) 7 vote(s) 41.2%
Double Chest of Enchanted Items 6 vote(s) 35.3%
Mob Arena Kit (Potions, Armor, Weapons) 4 vote(s) 23.5%
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  1. upps that escalated quickly
  2. bucky291 is in the lead with 7.5k!
  3. Oh I forgot to mention, slash14459 is in the lead with 10k!
  4. GOOOD MORNING!!! No this is not a bump, i am just saying ogood morining lallalaaalaa
  5. Awww is it going to end at 10k? (Although I was expecting it to be alot lower)
  6. I win! Will pay in a few minutes.
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