[Auction] Doublechest of Gold Ingots [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FatAndyTheGreat, Dec 10, 2012.

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  1. Ehem, 73k
  2. Seffychan is in the lead with 76k!
  3. The Current High Bid is 76,000r anyone else want to try and scoop this up?
  4. Did you mention decorations?
  5. What? Oh, yeah. Its good for decorations too guys...

    And decorations... They are good for that too...

    Dont forget the decorations..
  6. 21r per ingot?!?!
  7. If this was emerald...
  8. I don't hack. I just don't spend my Rupees either. Except on gold, buckets, and birch logs. And the occasional bit of lapis.
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