[Auction] Doublechest of Gold Ingots [closed]

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by FatAndyTheGreat, Dec 10, 2012.

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  2. 65k it's on!
  3. somehow a double chest of gold is more valuable than 28 dc of ender pearls, my mind is blown. :confused:
  4. Maybe it's because ender pearls dont have much use other than teleporting xD
  5. does gold have a use? (other than the obvious non-useful items like equipment and possibly powered minecart tracks)
  6. Crossbones, please stop spamming this thread in an attempt to gain attention to your auction. thank you.

    As for uses for gold:
    Powered rails.
    Beacon pyramids
    Armor/ tools
    Selling to other players
    And decoration.
  7. Its just so hard to get a lot when you need it.
  8. 70,000 rupees
  9. :pbetter? lol
  10. FrozenForger is Currently in the lead with 72k
  11. Better :) thanks man. Oh yeah, bump
  12. Please do not bump if it has been less than 3 hours since the last post...
    jkjkjk182 and crossbones like this.
  13. FrozenForger is in the lead with 72k!
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
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