[AUCTION] Double Chest of Iron Ingots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by wolves, Jan 1, 2013.

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  1. M4nic_M1ner in the lead with 19k!
    Auction ends in 17 hours 30 mins
  2. Bump! M4nic_M1ner still in the lead with 20.5k
  3. Bump M4nic M1ner wins in just 9 hours under 6r per ingot
  4. M4nic_M1ner wins in 6 hours
  5. M4nic_M1ner wins in 1 hour.
  6. nice, ty, paid :)
  7. Thank you. Access chest placed at 18885 on SMP9.
    1 Double Chest of Iron Ingots (6 stacks of Iron Blocks for easy transferring)
  8. Sorry actually meant 18769 on SMP9
  9. This auction is over. :)
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