[AUCTION] Double Chest of Extra Spicy Saddles! Get Them While They're Hot, Or Not! XD

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by WolfThunderblade, Aug 7, 2013.



YESH, i MUSTZ! 6 vote(s) 24.0%
NU MOMMY, i dunt wanna! Y U BE SO STUPIDZ 5 vote(s) 20.0%
pass teh BBQ sauce XD 14 vote(s) 56.0%
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  1. thx quarter

    (i was in costa rica for the past 8 days and didnt have much of a chance to reply, or remember to reply XP)

    ill set up the access chest when i log on!
  2. au contraire mon ami

    u actually havent paid, u probz spelled meh name wrong (i checked my rupee history)

    anyways, i trust each and every member of the emc community enough to leave the access sign up and will be expecting payment! HOWEVER, if items are picked up, and then not paid for after noticeable amount of time (say, a few hours) a moderator will immediately be contacted!
  3. payment was sent to quarterstop as i thought he was auction host due to the bump i should of stopped to check the OP
  4. o, k, ill call him now

  5. i called him and he told me to tell u to start a convo with him, no idea why...
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