[{Auction}] Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock (DDTT)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Gilixnup, Nov 6, 2017.

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  1. Howdy, Have fun bidding if you want it :p

    Item: Dirt Destroying Ticking Tock
    Starting Bid: 5,000 Rupees
    Minimum Bid Increase: 500 Rupees
    Auction Ending Time: 48 Hours after Last Valid Bid

  2. 40k
    Gilixnup likes this.
  3. Pretty sure these were banned from auctions at one point due to being able to buy them for 60k from the empire shop but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. It isn't on the blaccklist on the "wich items may be auctionned" on the "read first" thing, wich does say all voucher items may be auctionned, so, if it is illigal, it isn't listed as. :)
  5. Closing Auction,

    Official ruling: We actually changed the rule regarding these items on June 4th, 2016.
    The DDTT is NOT allowed to be auctioned off and this auction is invalid.

    Since the item is available from SS and I'm not sure but maybe /shopworld valued at 60k
    Rundercaster likes this.
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