[AUCTION] Diamond Supporter Voucher

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Dreacon78, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. Morning Bump.

    FWRonald is currently in the lead with a bid of 401k.

    Seems there is still fight in people for this auction.
    Can they keep it up or will FWRonald walk away as the winner?
  2. Afternoon Bump.

    FWRonald is currently in the lead with a bid of 401k.

    Is there anyone out there that can take that lead away from him?
  3. Evening Bump.

    FWRonald is currently in the lead with a bid of 401k.

    Has he managed to scare everyone off or will someone step up and take the lead from him?
  4. Morning Bump.

    rburke5786 is currently in the lead with a bid of 415k.

    Will he be able to maintain his lead or will someone take it away from him as well?
  5. Evening Bump.

    rburke5786 is currently in the lead with a bid of 415k.

    Has someone finally beat out the competition for this auction?
  6. Evening Bump.

    rburke5786 is currently in the lead with a bid of 415k.

    Looks like in a few hours he will win this unless someone is able to out do him.
  7. Looks like victory is mine as of a half hour ago. :D
  8. Congratulations to rburke5786.
    You have won with a bid of 415k.
    Once payment is sent I will mail the voucher to you.
    If payment is sent while I am at work then I will mail it once I get home.
  9. Payment Sent
  10. Will be logging in shortly. Will email you the voucher then.
  11. voucher sent
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