[Auction] DC of Quartz Flakes

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Mindlegokid, May 19, 2013.

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  1. 13824 rupees
    colesta1200 likes this.
  2. Bump, M4nic_M1ner is in the lead with 14141r! Can anyone outbid him before the Auction ends?
  3. Hmm i was outbid after 24 hours had passed?
    I win?
    post #12 was Wed 12:35am for 9250
    then I was out bid 24 hours and 3 minutes later in
    post #16 Thurs 12:38am for 10000(times might be different in your region?) but space between is the same.
  4. Auction Ending Time: Auction will end exactly 24 hours after the last bid has been posted with no other bids after it
  5. Yeah, but before Dudelol's bid, the auction time was 48 hours after the last bid. I was only until afterwards was the auction time changed.
  6. That's what you changed it to.
    so anything that happened before you changed it doesn't count?
    If it had been 24 hours and not 48 originally I would have won. no?
    thought it was worth a shot.. really want some flakes :)
  7. Well If I'm not mistakin' you have to consult the staff to change anything that was originally posted for the auction.
  8. You win! Pay and collect your flakes at 5303, Utopia!
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