[Auction] Dc of Coal

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Nickblockmaster, Oct 12, 2014.


Should I Auction 27 ( level 30 ) enchanted books?

Poll closed Oct 19, 2014.
Yes 9 vote(s) 81.8%
No 2 vote(s) 18.2%
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  1. Bump!
    Burke in the lead with 33,000! Wow! :)
  2. (My) last bid 35k
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  3. Just curious if I am missing something...
    This is for Coal, not Coal Blocks, right?
    If its blocks, I will bid.
    Did Coal all of a sudden massively inflate?
    Is there some new use in 1.8 for coal?
    Can you now smelt diamonds from coal :)?
    Pab10S likes this.
  4. Yes, this is straight coal, this isn't coal blocks.
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  5. I think the auction is over, my last bid was yesterday at 8:51 AM my time and it is well past that. Nickblockmaster can you verify this and see if I won?
  6. I'm sorry, I was very busy earlier and couldn't get around to this. Burke you have won the auction! :D Thank You, chest will be setup shortly unless you require me to deliver.
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