[Auction] DC of Bottles o' Enchanting

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by cowland123, Nov 11, 2013.


What should my next auction be?

Poll closed Nov 18, 2013.
DC of Cookies, Cake and Pie 7 vote(s) 63.6%
Perfect Sword and Bow 4 vote(s) 36.4%
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  1. Starting bid: 25k
    Minimum bid increments: 200
    Pick-up: Smp5 #10695 Auction House teleporter
    Auction ends: 72 hours after last valid bid.
  2. Seriously? no bids? I just saw one go for 37k! :( Bump.
  3. 25,000
    607 and cowland123 like this.
  4. Bump. I'll like all bids! :)
  5. 26k
    cowland123 and 607 like this.
  6. 27,000
    cowland123 and 607 like this.
  7. 28k
    cowland123 and 607 like this.
  8. Bump. I just saw one go for 37k!:) I'll like all bids! :D
  9. 30,000
    cowland123 likes this.
  10. Bump! Someone gonna beat MatthewDA? I'll like all bids!
  11. 30.2k haha i bought a dc for 37k like 4 days ago and just bid on this one and another one like 5 min ago
    cowland123 likes this.
  12. Bump. I'll like all bids :D
  13. Bump I'll like all bids. Is smongoman going to win this with 30.2k? Or will he be beaten...

    I'll be away for awhile... sorry for any delay/inconviences
  14. You have won! MatthewDA! Please pay me 31k and i will give you the bottles on Sunday or monday.
  15. Paid....though I'm not sure why I'm waiting until Sunday or Monday, five days from now. :confused:
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