[AUCTION] DC golden carrots

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ShrinkingMatt, Jul 31, 2017.


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  1. Item: DC of golden carrots
    Starting Bid: 34r
    Minimum bid increment: 1034r
    Auction end: 48 Hours after thy last valid bid

    Golden carrots restore 6 hunger bars. They also have the highest saturation value in the game so they'll probably last you until my next auction ;)
    padde73 likes this.
  2. Bumps, 34r.. lol
  3. Bumps! Buy meh carrots.
  4. 2,000 rupees, really guys ._. C'mon!
  5. 10k
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
  6. Bermp. Gold carrots also look pretty?
  7. OI, buy my stuff. le bump.
  8. Boomp for the carrots
  9. I believe you have won! Once payment is received I shall set up an access chest :)
  10. I'm hopping online now to make payment :)
    ShrinkingMatt likes this.
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