[Auction] Chest of enchanted picks

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by Yamanqui, Jul 27, 2012.

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  1. Pab10S takes the lead for 31,624 (next low bid would be 31,940 -I really shouldn't set 1% as minimum bids- ), a little under 36 hours for the chest to be his.

    This is a very exiting auction, it's lasted 100 hours, and in that time has received 5 bids. With a mean of a bid every 20 hours; I wonder if that's a record for slowest running auction?

    I'm gonna get some statistics...
  2. Here's some results; not statistically valid, nor even relevant, but interesting nevertheless.

    I took a sample of 1 out of every 5 valid finished auctions, and even then I stopped at 28 samples due to lack of sleep. In every sample I counted the total time (in hours) from the post of the oppening auction, to the time at witch the winner of the auction was decided (i.e. if an auction finished 12 hours after the last bid, I added 12 hours to the post that won). I also couted the number of bids in every auction, and with that calculated the mean number of bids per hour, variable I think represents the "speed" of an auction.

    With so little samples not even a statistical conclusion is valid, but I can say my auction deviates from the norm, leading towards the "very slow" category, but is not the slowest, so far.

    Well, the data:

    |Sample No. | Time | No. Bids |  Speed  |
    |     1     |  24  |     7    | 0.29166 |
    |     2     |  35  |     6    | 0.17142 |
    |     3     |  13  |     6    | 0.46153 |
    |     4     |  13  |     3    | 0.23076 |
    |     5     |  56  |    22    | 0.39285 |
    |     6     |  28  |     5    | 0.17857 |
    |     7     |  26  |     1    | 0.03846 |
    |     8     |  49  |     7    | 0.14285 |
    |     9     |  47  |     5    | 0.10638 |
    |    10     |  16  |     4    | 0.25    |
    |    11     |  18  |     3    | 0.16666 |
    |    12     |  24  |     1    | 0.04166 |
    |    13     |  46  |     9    | 0.19565 |
    |    14     |  32  |    11    | 0.34375 |
    |    15     |  43  |     2    | 0.04651 |
    |    16     |  28  |     1    | 0.03571 |
    |    17     |  24  |     3    | 0.125   |
    |    18     |  37  |     9    | 0.24324 |
    |    19     |  57  |     6    | 0.10526 |
    |    20     |  56  |     3    | 0.05357 |
    |    21     |   5  |     2    | 0.4     |
    |    22     |   2  |     2    | 1.0     |
    |    23     |  47  |     7    | 0.14893 |
    |    24     |  48  |    21    | 0.4375  |
    |    25     |  66  |     9    | 0.13636 |
    |    26     |  67  |     4    | 0.0597  |
    |    27     |  24  |     1    | 0.04166 |
    |    28     |  68  |    10    | 0.14705 |
    |   Mean:   | 35.6 | 6.071428 | 0.17017 |
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  3. What?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. There was a 2 and a 5 hour auction?
  5. Yes, both stated "Auction finish: (2 or 5) hours after last bid, and the bid that won was made in the same hour the auction started. (I must confess I rounded partial hours rather arbitrarily)

    The 2 hour auction was started by Louiskw on May 7, and the 5 hour auction was conducted by drogba921 on May 6.

    By the way, a little over 19 hours before Pab10S takes home this amazing chest, so any bidders still have time to participate.

    (An on a completely unrelated piece of data, if Pab10S does win this auction, my auction would have lasted 112 hours, with only 5 bids, so the speed of my auction would be 0.04464 bids/hours, quite slow, but not the slowest, if someone else bids to keep the auction going we can still achieve the "slowest auction ever" award)
  6. I have no idea why you'd want to achieve an award like that with more bids :). I usually prefer to end mine after 24 or 48 hours to give people ample time to see it. If you're in the US, a 12 hour auction hardly gives anyone in Europe or Australia a chance to see it.
  7. @Yamanqui Thats what happened to all the picks;) I woundered what happennen!


    This IS an awesome package!
  8. Why don't you buy it?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Yamanqui and I are posting at our own discretion since we both have a stake in this auction. If you aren't going to bid and don't have a specific question regarding the items being auctioned, please don't post on Auction threads.

    If you don't understand that, maybe you'll understand this:
  10. Only 10 hours left on this auction.

    Paying 32k for 15 diamond enchanted picks is a bargain, it's like paying 2000 for each pick, and some are very high quality picks, including 1 silk touch and 2 fortune III.

    There's still time is some surprise bidder wants to enter.
  11. And Pab10S wins for 31,624 rupees.

    I will setup your name in the chest in smp6 residence 12435 in just a moment so you can take home the prize.
  12. 32k
    marknaaijer likes this.
  13. Too late. :(
  14. ok ok 33k!
  15. If you get to 40k and really want I can put together another chest identical to the auctioned one.
    Pab10S likes this.
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