[Auction] Build-A-Tree Pack! 9 Dc of Leaves + 2 Dc of wood!

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by ivanivanchenchen, Apr 11, 2013.

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  1. 10k, I needz teh logs. :mad::cool:
  2. 8.7k

    Just making sure, don't wanna be swindled. If someone said auctioning DC of wood, you know what the first question would be...
  3. Stew >:p fine i'll leave you to this
  4. :mad::p
  5. -.- You bid 10k already, you're not allowed to lower your bid
  6. 10k and this is a valid auction. Please if you feel the need to attempt to police the forums. Have a full understanding of the rules yourself
    Crazy1800 likes this.
  7. oh yah, im slow xD
    i bidded 10k already death
  8. Bump! (On my head, that is)
  9. 11.1, death ur really makin me mad lol.
  10. ninjad 12.1k
  11. Deathtomb8953 is in the lead with 13k! This still could he a great deal!
  12. This is allowed. It consists of all double chests.
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