[auction] box 0' enchants

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by _Ziip, Dec 27, 2012.


!!!#!!! THIS IS A TIMER NOT APOLL !!!#!!!

Poll closed Dec 30, 2012.
this is a timer for my auction, i have set it to 3 days. 11 vote(s) 68.8%
when this timer runs out the person with the highest bidd will win. 5 vote(s) 31.3%
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  1. Hold on, actually wasn't when the poll ended when the auction ended. In that case Silver did win I believe.
    SILVERMAN2, Saturday at 5:16 PM
    Poll closed Sunday at 7:28 AM.
    These are the times I saw on my computer, I said Hamster at first because I forgot about the timer.
  2. Ok, so is it still at 9500 then?
  3. Sorry, the auction is over pateraterick.
  4. Am I able to pick up my stuff or is it too late?
  5. sorry silver, i am in an ETREEMLY low internet and power situation, ul b able to pick it up in a few days.
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