Auction: Bow Damage 5,Fire 1

Discussion in 'Products, Businesses, & Services Archives' started by thestar19, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. I don't hate.
  2. I don't even know him but I still want the bow... so I keep checking in to see if I still have high
  3. Y do they hate you?
  4. Highest bid right now is 5200 made by R0bbieJo,If nobody bidds higher under the next like 5h,She will have won.
  5. RobbieJo, You can pay and pick it up at Utopia. Type /thestar19 2 and there should be a chest with your name above it
  6. I will be there when I get off work... :) Thank You
  7. if any of u guys dont get this one i have a bow with damege 5 without fire for sale for 4000
  8. Sorry, The fire is the thing that makes a bow Great :p
  9. I went to Utopia and its not there. You can grab me on the SMP4 server or just leave me a message. I will come get it immediately. Thank You :)
  10. Sorry,It is up now....
  11. Wonderful Bow... Thank You! My son will love it :)
  12. I saw Nick playing with it on my wool target at my res...
    Idk where my target went (i let him)
  13. It has also been repaired